Frequently asked questions
Click on each question to see the answers to these frequently asked questions. If you have a burning question and it's not found here at the FAQ, please fill the query form at the bottom of the page. Thomas will get back to you as soon as he possibly can!
About Kungfu cats academy |
Where exactly is Kungfu Cats Academy?
How is the environment like at Kungfu Cats Academy?
What subjects and at which level do Thomas teach?
Can a trial lesson be arranged?
What is the best way to contact Thomas?
Most of the time, he will be teaching so he might not be able to pick up calls. It wouldn’t look too nice if he had to leave the lessons to answer a phone. The best way is to get his attention is to leave a SMS or Whatsapp message (even better) and he’ll get back to you when he can. Emailing is also a fantastic option and despite Thomas’s busy schedule, he vow to reply within 24 hours, rain or shine.
You can contact Thomas here.
What do I need to bring for the Kungfu session?
Is Kungfu Cats Academy a tuition centre?
About The lessons |
About payment and fees |
How is the collection of fees done? Are there any extra fees payable?
What happens if a student misses the lesson on a particular week? Will the missed lesson still be charged?